Saturday, August 22, 2009

Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road

I have no idea why this is in my head. I don't question my decision to become a teacher. It was the exact right decision. But, now I don't know what my next move should be. I don't have an actual teaching job and school starts in two weeks. I know I can sub, but seriously. . . A Master's Degree in Education and I am expected to sub. I know I'm a good teacher. I know that sounds pompous, but really, I am a good teacher. I would like the opportunity to become a great teacher. I know it is who I am. 

I love children. I pretty much love all children. I didn't realize immediately that many people don't. They not only don't love children, they don't even like children.  I don't have any of my own, but I will adopt. But honestly, I love the children in my life. I suppose it is because within each child is the knowledge of endless possibility that live inside each one of them.  I have been blessed with the number of children I have encountered in my life. 

And now here I am and I have no idea what my next step should be. I am stuck at the fork . . . I think. I am looking for the path. I know in my heart it is there, but it is just out of grasp. So, in the mean time I will search. I know an answer will come. Not a solution but a real live answer.