Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Being Catholic and The Pope

I just have to say, I am Catholic with a very smart mother. She always told us, "Take what you need from religion, leave the rest. The rest is usually man made, not God made."

The Pope is WRONG. I will risk excommunication because he is wrong and I and most every one in the world is RIGHT on this issue. The issue is HIV/AIDS. Condoms save lives. PERIOD.

How dare the man, who is to be a man of peace, as was Jesus, not come out against the atrocity of HIV/AIDS and use his influence to save lives. The spread of HIV/AIDS in the world can be fought with information and CONDOMS. Using virgins to "cure" AIDS still happens throughout the world. Additionally, many go untested and spread the disease. We can stop the spread of AIDS with CONDOMS.

The Pope needs to stand up and do the hard right thing. He needs to do what he is supposed to do. He needs to save people, all people. Even if you are not a Christian you can see that Jesus was about love and acceptance and taking care of his flock. Whether he was the Son of God is another matter entirely. The Pope needs to use his understanding of the teachings of God and Jesus and care for the flock. If we are all God's children, then he must tell those who listen and follow him without question to do the right thing. USE CONDOMS.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I feel like a real teacher

Today was different.

It started out the same. Shower, get dressed, pack lunch, go to work. I plan every day and today was the same. But, something was different. It felt different. It was different.

My students worked today. They did their warm-ups. They responded to questions. They worked on their projects. They typed on their laptops. They helped one another. They asked real, meaningful questions. They were not loud. They did not require constant prodding. I almost didn't realize the change.

Then it happened. One student said, "Ms. Ancrile, it is like we are an actual English class. Everyone is working. It's so cool."

You might think this ruined the moment. It did not. They continued to work and they all acknowledged the change. And then there was another moment.

They stayed after class and after school to finish their projects. I joyfully stayed at school until nearly 5:30. They called parents, the parents checked with me to make sure they were actually working on school work. It was miraculous and so normal all at the same time. I helped them. They were lovely. They were fun. They were productive. I was productive. 

This was the day I have been waiting for all school year. I am a teacher. I am their teacher. They are learning. I am a real teacher.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Loving Students

Today was an odd day at school. My students were worried about me. I was just tired. But I did remember my friend Fieron telling me that when I'm tired I look mad. So, today I broke the cycle. In all of my classes my students are working on projects at the moment. Today I showed them examples of my own work on their assignments. I forgot how much it helps them. But regardless, they are all working individually (mostly) and sitting in pods of 5 to 10. It allows me to move around and really work with each one. I like this most of all. They talk to me, they are not monsters and though I always love them, today I really remembered how much I like them. Even the annoying one who was suspended last week was okay today. He ditched most of his other classes, but came to mine. He did not do any work, but he received some praise any way. He knows a lot of the material, just does nothing, he did help one of the other students.

Today is also the day when I remember how nice it is to be at a school that at some point in time had money for technology. I have a mobile laptop computer cart in my classroom. Macbooks -- very cool. So, they were all typing up their projects, they take it very seriously when they have a computer in front of them. 

All this, you get the idea, I loved them and I liked them today. So, I go to the office about an hour after school is out for the day. First Celeste tells me she found me a hard core sub for me while I am at the CPA conference. I thank her and let her know the last sub had a very hard time -- my students were pretty horrible to her. Celeste and Liz both thank me for letting them know.  Then I walk in to the hallway and find Lucy (she was our office manager until the budget cuts made that position go away). She asks me if my classroom was still in one piece when I got back from my last conference. I say yes. She tells me she heard over the radio all the roamers having to go to  my room while I was gone. I am a bit stunned, but realize, that is just how it is teaching 10th grade.  

I then run into the ELL (English Language Learner) coordinator and she asks me how it's going ( she heard the previous conversation). I let her know they can be really horrible, but not so much for me any more and that I just try to remember to love them. I don't always like them, but eventually they will be 11th graders. She reminds me of this fact too. 

I do love them. They exhaust me. They can't seem to learn a lot is two words and they write like all assignments are text messages (though not as much any more), but they did correct the Lead Teacher in our Academy about the pronunciation of my name and they tell me I'm their favorite and they know I care.

I guess I don't suck completely, but some days as a teacher I feel like a fake. Other days, like today I feel good and I feel as if I am in the right place, finally.  I hope I get to keep my job in the fall.