It started out the same. Shower, get dressed, pack lunch, go to work. I plan every day and today was the same. But, something was different. It felt different. It was different.
My students worked today. They did their warm-ups. They responded to questions. They worked on their projects. They typed on their laptops. They helped one another. They asked real, meaningful questions. They were not loud. They did not require constant prodding. I almost didn't realize the change.
Then it happened. One student said, "Ms. Ancrile, it is like we are an actual English class. Everyone is working. It's so cool."
You might think this ruined the moment. It did not. They continued to work and they all acknowledged the change. And then there was another moment.
They stayed after class and after school to finish their projects. I joyfully stayed at school until nearly 5:30. They called parents, the parents checked with me to make sure they were actually working on school work. It was miraculous and so normal all at the same time. I helped them. They were lovely. They were fun. They were productive. I was productive.
This was the day I have been waiting for all school year. I am a teacher. I am their teacher. They are learning. I am a real teacher.
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